About Us

Are we Italian? this question is frequently asked by our guests. So here is OUR STORY SO FAR
The State of PastaTM is built on a family tradition that stretches back over four generations. Originally from a small village in the Verona countryside in northern Italy, Matthias and Patrick’s earliest culinary memories are of the unforgettable pasta made by their Nonna, who began cooking at sunrise to allow the pasta to dry for several hours in the kitchen. As it dried she made her special sauce, to her own secret recipe. Fortunately for us Gemma passed her know-how on to her great-grand-sons, after making them promise that they would never reveal it. Her secret remains safe, jealously guarded by The State of PastaTM, but at least today everyone can enjoy the flavour of great Italian-style pasta. So are we Italian? The answers are Yes and No, The restaurant was founded by two Swiss brothers.
We believe that hygiene is vital to catering. That’s why we don’t hide anything from customers, by allowing them the opportunity to see our kitchens. What’s more, we work only with world renowned cleaning brands, which have come over to train our employees.

The Singularity of The State of PastaTM
also come from having placed the kitchen in the center of the restaurant, ensuring everyone can see their dish being freshly prepared to order. This idea is based on a desire for transparency where the customer is king and has every right to keep an eye on what goes into their their dish. From preparing the dough to the final finishing touch, nothing is hidden.